Instrumental Scores from the R H Allen Collection

in the Library of the
North East of Scotland Music School

selected by Instrument and arranged by Composer

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Saturday 27th July 2024

1st Oboe

1st Symphony [Beethoven]
B217007-a PR: 1 : Breitkopf & Härtel      

L'Arlésienne suite no. 2 [Bizet]
B452003 PR: 1 : Anton Benjamin      

Suite from the music for the Royal Fireworks [Handel-Harty]
H008005-a   MS: 1                  

Süsses Erwarten [Sweet anticipation] [Michael-Blüthgen]
M471001 PR: 1 : Richard Birnbach            

Czardas [Monti]
M576001-a PR: 1 : Ricordi      

2me Czardas [Monti]
M576002 PR: 1 : Ricordi