Instrumental Scores and Parts from the R H Allen Collection in the Library of the selected by Composer/Arranger Search instead by |
Capua, Eduardo di (1869-1917) Italian O sole mio No parts available Carmichael, Hoagland Howard ('Hoagy') (1899-1981) American Star dust No parts available Carne, Gerald (19th-20th c.) English Sweetest flower of all No parts available Carr, Michael (1905-1968) English Hometown {from London Rhapsody} Piano+Voice+Ukulele &c --- PR: 1 Hometown - chorus {from London Rhapsody} 1st Violin --- MS: 2 2nd Violin --- MS: 2 3rd Violin --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 2 Piano --- MS: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 Hometown; Dreaming; and Underneath the arches: [choruses] [Carr/Russell/Flanagan] Accordion --- MS: 1 On the outside looking in {from The Little Dog Laughed} Piano+Voice+Ukulele &c --- PR: 1 On the outside; and Hometown: [choruses] 1st Violin --- MS: 1 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 We're always on the outside - chorus {from The Little Dog Laughed} 1st Violin --- MS: 2 Cello --- MS: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 Carse, Adam (1878-1958) English Menuet from the 'Oxford' symphony [Haydn-Carse] 1st Violin --- MS: 1 PR: 3 2nd Violin --- MS: 2 PR: 1 3rd Violin --- MS: 3 Cello --- MS: 3 Cello or Bass --- MS: 1 Piano Conductor --- PR: 1 Recorder --- MS: 2 Tambourine --- MS: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 2nd movement from 1st Symphony [Beethoven-Carse] 1st Violin --- PR: 5 2nd Violin --- PR: 3 3rd Violin --- MS: 1 Cello & Bass --- PR: 1 Piano Conductor --- PR: 1 Viola --- PR: 1 Carver, P Beachfield English The penguins' picnic No parts available Caryll, Ivan (1861-1921) Belgian Our Miss Gibbs: Lancers [Caryll-Monckton] No parts available Cazabon, Albert (1883-1970) English Serenade {from Six Duets for Two Violins and Piano) [Godard-Cazabon] 1st & 2nd Flute --- PR: 1 1st Clarinet in A --- PR: 1 1st Violin --- PR: 2 2nd Violin --- PR: 1 Cello --- PR: 1 Double Bass --- PR: 1 Horn in F --- PR: 1 Piano Conductor --- PR: 1 Timpani --- PR: 1 Viola --- PR: 1 Cerri, Luigi Italian Spasimi d'amore No parts available Cherubini, Luigi (1760-1842) Italian Ave Maria No parts available Chopin, Frédéric (1810-1849) Polish Nocturne Op. 15 no. 1 No parts available Nocturne Op. 15 no. 3 No parts available Nocturne Op. 27 no. 1 No parts available Nocturne Op. 9 no. 2 No parts available Polonaise in A No parts available Prelude Op. 28 no. 1 No parts available Prelude Op. 28 no. 13 No parts available Prelude Op. 28 no. 15 No parts available Prelude Op. 28 no. 21 No parts available Tristesse No parts available Clarke, Cuthbert (1869-1953) English Fragrance: valse 1st & 2nd Trombones --- PR: 1 1st Violin --- PR: 2 2nd Violin --- PR: 1 Bass Trombone --- PR: 1 Bassoon --- PR: 1 Cello --- PR: 1 Clarinet in A --- PR: 1 Cornet in A --- PR: 1 Double Bass --- PR: 1 Drum --- PR: 1 Flute --- PR: 1 Horn in F --- PR: 1 Oboe --- PR: 1 Piano Conductor --- MS: 1 PR: 1 Viola --- PR: 1 Clarke, Jeremiah (c1670-1707) English Trumpet voluntary 1st Violin --- MS: 1 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 3rd Violin or Viola --- MS: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 1 Double Bass --- MS: 1 Horn in F --- MS: 1 Piano --- MS: 1 Piano Conductor --- MS: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 Clutsam, George Howard (1866-1951) Australian Lilac time - second selection [Schubert-Higgs-Clutsam] 1st Violin (cond.) --- PR: 2 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Cello --- PR: 2 Double Bass --- PR: 1 Piano --- PR: 1 Piano Conductor --- PR: 1 [Unidentified] --- MS: 1 Ma curly-headed babby: [plantation song] 1st Violin --- MS: 1 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 2 Piano --- MS: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 Coates, Eric (1886-1957) English By the sleepy lagoon 1st Violin --- MS: 2 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 1 Piano --- MS: 1 In town tonight (Knightsbridge march) 1st Violin --- MS: 2 2nd Violin --- MS: 2 Accordion --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 2 F instruments --- MS: 1 Piano --- PR: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 Joyous youth No parts available Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875-1912) English Petite suite de concert 1st Violin (cond.) --- PR: 1 Piano Conductor --- PR: 1 Piano Solo --- PR: 1 Collin Prélude fantaisiste No parts available Coote, Charles (1831-1916) English Quadrilles {from 'Les Cloches de Corneville'} [Planquette-Coote] Piano --- PR: 1 Corbin, Albert (d.1893) French Santiago: Spanish valse [Corbin-Winte] 1st Clarinet in A --- PR: 2 1st Cornet in A --- PR: 2 1st Violin --- PR: 3 2nd Cornet in A --- PR: 1 2nd Violin --- PR: 1 Accordion --- PR: 1 Bass Trombone --- PR: 2 Bb Tenor Saxophone --- PR: 2 Cello --- PR: 2 Double Bass --- PR: 2 Drums &c --- PR: 1 Eb Alto Saxophone --- PR: 1 Flute --- PR: 2 Horn in F --- MS: 1 Oboe --- PR: 1 Piano Conductor --- PR: 2 Viola --- PR: 2 Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713) Italian Christmas concerto: Concerto grosso no. 8 1st Violin --- MS: 2 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 3rd Violin or Viola --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 1 Double Bass --- MS: 1 Full Score --- PR: 1 Piano --- MS: 2 Concerto grosso [Corelli-Barbirolli] 1st Violin --- PR: 4 2nd Violin --- PR: 1 Cello --- MS: 1 PR: 1 Clarinet in Bb --- MS: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 Corri, Clarence Collingwood English In sweet Devonia: a rustic gambol 1st Clarinet in Bb --- PR: 1 1st Cornet in Bb --- PR: 1 1st Violin (cond.) --- PR: 1 2nd Violin --- PR: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Bass Trombone --- PR: 1 Cello --- PR: 1 Double Bass --- PR: 1 Flute --- PR: 1 Piano Conductor --- PR: 1 Side Drum &c --- PR: 1 Viola --- PR: 1 Cottrau, Teodoro (1827-1879) Italian Santa Lucia: [traditional Neapolitan song] No parts available Coward, Noël (Sir) (1899-1973) English Bitter Sweet: selection [Coward-Jones] 1st Violin (cond.) --- PR: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Cello --- PR: 1 Piano --- PR: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 Violin oblig. --- MS: 1 Bitter Sweet: pianoforte selection [Coward-Higgs] Piano Solo --- PR: 1 I'll see you again No parts available Crawley, A P Largo: for small orchestra [Handel-Crawley] Accordion --- MS: 1 Crepaldi, Roberto Italian Tramonto d'amore: romanza 1st Violin --- MS: 1 PR: 1 2nd Violin --- PR: 1 Cello --- PR: 1 Clarinet in A --- PR: 1 Double Bass --- PR: 1 Flute --- PR: 1 Harmonium --- PR: 1 Horn in F --- PR: 1 Piano Conductor --- PR: 1 Timpani --- PR: 1 Trombone --- PR: 1 Trumpet in Bb --- PR: 1 Viola --- PR: 1 Violin oblig. --- MS: 1 Curtis, Ernesto de (1875-1937) Italian Come back to Sorrento 1st Clarinet in Bb --- MS: 1 1st Violin --- MS: 2 2nd Clarinet in Bb --- MS: 1 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 1 Double Bass --- MS: 1 Horn in F --- MS: 1 Piano --- MS: 1 Piano+Solo Voice --- PR: 1 Solo Voice or Unison --- MS: 1 Trumpet in Bb --- MS: 1 Viola --- MS: 1 Curzon, Frederic (1899-1973) English The Boulevardier 1st Clarinet in Bb --- MS: 1 2nd Clarinet in Bb --- MS: 1 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Bb Tenor Saxophone --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 1 Flute --- MS: 1 Horn in F --- MS: 1 Oboe --- MS: 1 Percussion --- MS: 1 Piano --- MS: 2 Viola --- MS: 1 Cussans, Oliver Les Sylphides No parts available Cuvillier, Charles (1877-1955) French The Lilac Domino [selection] 1st Violin --- MS: 1 2nd Violin --- MS: 1 Accordion --- MS: 1 Cello --- MS: 1 Piano --- PR: 1 50 works by 29 composers, with 121 printed and 117 MS parts